Maestra Laura
Indigenous Elder

Maestra Laura is the eldest daughter of Maestra Ynes. Maestra Laura is deeply immersed in plant medicine, as she has been from an early age. Beginning at the age of 10, her grandparents gave her small diets. By 16, Maestra Laura began her apprenticeship to learn about Ayahuasca.

At 20, she traveled throughout Peru with her mother, Maestra Ynes, sharing medicinal plants and facilitating Ayahuasca ceremonies for local Peruvians. She continues to work extensively with her mother in Peru and abroad.

Maestra Laura brings an incredible wealth of knowledge passed down for generations in her family line. She is known for her beautiful Ikaros (healing chants) that pour out of her with love and devotion to those seeking healing.

She works closely with her sister Maestra Lila. Maestra Laura and Maestra Lila have dedicated their time to sharing their medicine with the broader community, including guest speaking opportunities at several international gatherings and conferences.